Hi all and welcome to my ignire. This blog contains business or value ideas inspired from daily life. Think of this as my sketchbook for business ideas. Some of the ideas are explained in detail and some are quick "sketches", typos and all. I arrive these based on some sort of user centered experience originating in my daily life. I rarely vet these and some might sound like something that exists or exists already... there are a lot of burger joints in this world and there is nothing new under the sun. The only thing that matters is that I practice. Iteration is everything to the craft of generation. The entrepreneurship bug will not leave me. Eventually, one of these might become reality. Enjoy!
Featured Post: FlightGazers -A grand vision.
So an unlikely twitter "friend" and former director at the CIA turned me onto an amazing article about sun spots, magnetic disruption and the most beautiful storm captured in words. ...in 1859. This is so worth your time. I do hope you'll read it because it inspired me and the value sketch below. http://arstechnica.com/science/news/2012/05/1859s-great-auroral-stormthe-week-the-sun-touched-the-earth.ars/1
Now, in the grand tradition of improv I am going to riff on the concept of celestial wonder to spin out a biz idea about an airline for star gazing.
I was thinking how amazing it would be if we could
To many Americans it would be the first time they'd really see stars. So much of what we could know about the "heavens" is lost due to light pollution these days. Honestly, it's sort of crazy to contemplate just how many city kids have never witnessed the snowy white dust blanket of the Milky Way. What is lost when a literal visual connection to the heavens is lost? What if looking up at billions of stars actually enhanced our souls? What if it made us more civil? What if seeing the stars, all of them, helped define an aspect of the human experience, connectedness? [Perhaps light pollution is partly to blame for our spiritual loss?]
What if we could see the stars again and regain the sense of awe created by all of the brilliant heavenly goodness that our polluted nights have lost?
Enter FlightGazers.
When I took the job with HP in Vancouver Washington (Portland, OR) I moved west via train. The trip from Chicago to Portland was 3days long and one of the best travel experiences in my life. One experience I will never forget was the glass viewing car. The car was basically one big glass window. You could see out the top and sides and the site seeing in this car was truly remarkable, especially out west in the mountains west of the Rockies. You'd just sit back in the seat, look up and roll through the wilderness.
Imagine that train car in the form of an airplane. Imagine a plane with a glass roof and large side viewing windows. Imagine super comfy leather seats similar to those once found standard on flights operated by Midwest Airlines. Imagine a night time flight, a simple romantic dinner above the clouds and light of the city, floating comfortably, communing with celestial grandeur. The view would be spectacular. The music would be mellow. The food would be light and lazy. All seats would be reclined with gaze set straight up.
The price would be just a little more than double what one would pay for a nice dinner for two in a large metro area. The plane would take off from private ports at major airports -no TSA screening needed, no one hour wait prior to boarding. Essentially this is the new moon lit cruise but at 20,000feet!
FlightGazers. All major metro's connected to the universe.
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